24 April 2016

2016 Conference


ICREI’s Xth International Conference

Environmental Entrepreneurship

July 7th – July 8th, 2016 | Aix-en-Provence, France

Organised in cooperation with the Institute for Economic Studies – Europe


Register  |  Schedule  |  Learn More About the Conference  |  Previous Conference


An environmental entrepreneur is a person or an institution who imagines and finds new and performing means to transform environmental problems into solutions and profit



For too many environmentalists,  economics  and  business  are  traditionally responsible for environmental destruction.  Accordingly enterprises  are considered  as responsible for overusing natural resource and pollution

Sustainable   development is a rallying concept  but  we  must  go further:  think about methods,  imagine instruments  and  above  all implement  them.  This 10th  International Conference  aims at the  implementation of  concepts we  developed  since 1996 and published in 9 books.

In order to face up economic decay and unemployment, green growth must mimic policies and institutions which are responsible for economic prosperity and environmental quality in developed countries: secure and well defined property rights, freedom for business and rule of law in order to free initiative, investment and innovation which have been and still are the prerequisite of technological revolution and social

Green growth offers unlimited perspectives for society at large, provided entrepreneurs be free to imagine, create and profit. Governments must no longer act directly but be an efficient catalyst and partner Eventually we have no alternative to

As for our past nine International Conferences we’ll get  patronage from key figures such as, French Ministers of Economics and Environment, former ministers of Enterprises, Industry and Environment,  Presidents of local local governements , President of Free Foundation, President of European Landowners Organisation, President of Electicité de France …

Several  sponsors   and  partners  such  as Aix Marseille Université,  Enterprises pour l’Environnement, FREE Foundation, Enviropreneur Institute-PERC, European Landowners Organisation-ELO, OECD, Liberty Institute India, Electricité de France, CERIC-CNRS,, Rotary International, French Patent Office (INPI), Ernst & Young, Business Angels, Institute for Economic Studies-Europe, American Enterprise Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Speakers for the 2016 conference Also Include:

  • Hervé Novelli, Former secretary of state for SMEs
  • Bob McCormick, Enviropreneur Institute-Clemson University, PERC
  • John Baden, Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment
  • Brice Lalonde, Former Minster of Environment in France


Register  |  Schedule  |  Learn More About the Conference  |  Previous Conference


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