Our actions and missions
ICREI at Glance
The The International Center for Research on Environmental Issues (ICREI pour l’International Center for Research on Environmental Issues) was set up in Paris (1992) by a group of French economists and lawyers who[…]
ICREI Conferences
Since 1996, the ICREI organizes every two years an international conference exploring the potential and the limits of property rights and economic instruments in relation to a specific aspect of environmental policy […]
Besides our conferences proceedings, ICREI offers a selection of articles dealing with environmental issues such as property rights, economic instruments, environmental policy, land use control, climate change […]
Legal and economic imagination for the environment
ICREI Latest News
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Best wishes for 2023
In 2022, ICREI continued to disseminate its research on the environment.
In France, planning regulations fail to preserve the environment
Absent property rights and compensation introduces biases and sometimes corruption.
“Private property is at the heart of civilization”
Max Falque is interviewed by Eric Le Ray in the Canadian program “Ecology, Life, Nature and Entrepreneurship” on July 26, 2022. He talks about his background and his intellectual contribution to our tenth international conference.
“Green obscurantism. The true history of the human condition”
This book of some 400 pages is a welcome addition to Emmanuel Leroy-Ladurie’s “Histoire humaine et comparée du climat” (Fayard, 2004), the reading of which had led me to question the assertions about the exceptional and dramatic nature of the recent so-called global warming. But Yves Roucaute goes back in time and traces the formation Read more about “Green obscurantism. The true history of the human condition”[…]
Property rights for the environment
ICREI and Larcier editions are publishing a book on the role of property rights in environmental protection, edited by Max Falque. In this book, around 28 French- and English-speaking lawyers open new perspectives on the role of property rights in the protection and the management of environmental resources in the service of humankind and the Read more about Property rights for the environment[…]
Nature requires entrepreneurship
ICREI publishes an important book on the role of the entrepreneur for the environment. This publication more specifically addresses the French speaking readers. As for the English speaking ones, we assume that most of what is said hereafter is quite familiar to them. We hence suggest that those who are not too familiar with the Read more about Nature requires entrepreneurship[…]
“Ecologists versus modernity: the trial of Prometheus”
Jean-Pierre Chamoux reviews Ferghane Azihari’s essay “Les écologistes contre la modernité — Le procès de Prométhée” (“Ecologists versus modernity: the trial of Prometheus”). This is a translation from French of his paper for Culture-Tops, a site of columns covering the whole of cultural activity. Theme Are our contemporaries so ill at ease with themselves that Read more about “Ecologists versus modernity: the trial of Prometheus”[…]
“Ecologist are lying”
The below text is a translated extract of a book review by Francis Richard, originally published in French in Contrepoints. The latest book by Jean de Kervasdoué and Henri Voron “Les écolos nous mentent”, reviews the strategy of the ecologists to convince us with false ideas. Several publishers have refused to consider the publication of Read more about “Ecologist are lying”[…]
Should the precautionary principle be deconstitutionalized?
In an op-ed for Le Figaro, Christian Stoffaës, President Emeritus of ICREI, pities the growing aversion to risk in the last few decades : The last episode in the management of the epidemic crisis will have revealed an open divergence between the medical community and the executive branch. After two weeks of hesitation and pressure on Read more about Should the precautionary principle be deconstitutionalized?[…]
Free Market Environmentalism in France: A Difficult Challenge
We do think it is worthwhile to explain how free market environmentalism was introduced in France in the last few decades… without great success due to the fact that socialist ideology is dominant in politics and academia. In addition to different legal systems. This essay is a revised and updated version of Falque’s original essay Read more about Free Market Environmentalism in France: A Difficult Challenge[…]
“Why peasants will save the world”
This new book is welcome because, beyond the facts, illusions and media lies denounced in twelve chapters, it opens up new perspectives and affirms: “No planet without farmers.” Sylvie Brunel is probably the best specialist of the French agricultural world and her experience as head of the NGO “Action Against Hunger” allows her to extend Read more about “Why peasants will save the world”[…]
The commons in agriculture, tragedy or apology?
This excellent 136-page book brings together the eleven papers presented at the Rural Law Meetings of 11 April 2019 organised by the Agridées think tank, the French Academy of Agriculture and the French Association of Rural Law, among others. These texts constitute a capital contribution to the reflection and even the enthusiasm of many French Read more about The commons in agriculture, tragedy or apology?[…]
Return of the wolf in France: a biased study
In the scientific magazine Recursos Rurais [1], Christian Buson publishes a critical analysis [2] of the ”official” study [3] on the fate of the wolf in France.
“We are deceiving you enormously”
Review of the latest essay of Thierry Godefridi (in French): “We are deceiving you enormously: political ecology is a mystification” This small 137-page book is the result of a politically incorrect reflection by an author who elegantly and culturally denounces the untruths, naiveties and lies of fashionable political ecology. The demonstration, at the limit of Read more about “We are deceiving you enormously”[…]
Capitalism and climate change
The student organisation British Conservation Alliance held an online webinar on 28th April 2020, entitled: “Capitalism and Climate Change — How Markets Can Protect the Environment”. The event was co-hosted by the Vienna-based Austrian Economic Center. The panel was composed of: Daniel Hannan, former Member of the European Parliament and founding president of the Initiative Read more about Capitalism and climate change[…]
Wind turbines – The dark side of ecological transition
In a 219-page book (in French), Fabien Bouglé denounces the imposture of the multiplication of wind turbines on the French territory… but also in several European countries. These enormous, expensive and polluting machines have no other justification than ideology, electioneering and the search for profit denounced in each of the ten chapters: Polluting and non-recyclable Read more about Wind turbines – The dark side of ecological transition[…]
Paul Mentré, builder of the French nuclear rent
Christian Stoffaës, President Emeritus of ICREI, pays tribute to Paul Mentré (1935-2020). This high-ranking civil servant was an alumni of both Polytechnique and ENA and a member of the prestigious General Inspection of Finances, He served President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing as his general delegate for energy in the 1970s: In this position, he was in Read more about Paul Mentré, builder of the French nuclear rent[…]
Are ecologists and big capital one and the same?
In France’s Revue des Deux Mondes, Max Falque questions the unnatural coalition between environmental activists and big business that supports environmental regulation. He quotes the analysis of Bruce Yandle in his famous article “On Bootlegers and Baptists”. The American economist drew a parallel with the de facto alliance between criminals and righteous leagues to close Read more about Are ecologists and big capital one and the same?[…]
“France should not inadvertently divorce from nuclear power.”
Christian Stoffaës, President Emeritus of the ICREI, points out in an op-ed in Le Monde the slippery slope that French government’s decisions are taking concerning the nuclear industry: The nuclear option, an emblematic legacy of the old world, has not yet asserted its place in the new world. Beyond words, however, several decisions taken during Read more about “France should not inadvertently divorce from nuclear power.”[…]
Roger Scruton: “Activate the right motives of people”
In January 2012, Sir Roger Scruton gave a conference about his book: “Green Philosophy: How to think seriously about the planet” (Atlantic Books, 2012). The talk was hosted in London by the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). In the below extract of the talk, the speaker discusses environmental consciousness Read more about Roger Scruton: “Activate the right motives of people”[…]
Did you say freedom?
At the end of 2018, the French branch of Students for Liberty published an anthology of liberalism in seventeen founding texts. The book is available free of charge in digital format, with an introductory note in English. In the chapter on ecology, the French economist Henri Lepage focuses on the use of property rights for Read more about Did you say freedom?[…]
“Regulate ecology through freedom”
In the Journal des libertés [full article in French], researcher Erwan Queinnec makes a plea in favour of free market environmentalism. In a summary article, the author gives a rigorous overview of the possible policy responses to the environmental issue. He first summarizes the dominant thought on the subject: Isn’t the environment the great victim Read more about “Regulate ecology through freedom”[…]
RED HOT LIES : how climate alarmists use threats, deception and deception to keep you uninformed.
Christopher Horner, 2008, Regnery Publishing, 407 p. During my many visits to the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington, I met Christopher Horner in 2010, who offered me his latest book that I have just reviewed. Horner responds to the current discussion on the origin and means of a dominant thought that not only supports the Read more about RED HOT LIES : how climate alarmists use threats, deception and deception to keep you uninformed.[…]
Is Ecology a confiscated science?
In January 2019, Christian Buson has been elected as ICREI’s new president. This paper (in French) published in the Spanish journal “Recursos Rurales” illustrates his deep knowledge of Free Market Environmentalism and its scientific background. The title of his contribution sums up his concern: “Is Ecology a confiscated science?” As a matter of fact, one Read more about Is Ecology a confiscated science?[…]
Against radical ecology: in defence of growth at the service of the environment
After years of virtual silence French intellectual production is remarkable and the contribution of Bruno Durieux fortunately equals the recent books of Bruno Tertrais, Sylvie Brunel, Remy Prudhomme, Christian Gérondeau… Durieux, a high civil servant, has been active in politics since the mid seventies and as such, was in position to observe the growing influence Read more about Against radical ecology: in defence of growth at the service of the environment[…]
Using contract for the environment: Vanessa Monteillet’s PhD dissertation
No wonder this PhD is published as a book by Dalloz; the most important firm for legal issues.This outstanding book of 722 pp open the French legal setting to the possibiliyy of using private law as an alternative and/or substitute to regulation. This looks like a U-turn to the French legal tradition which think that Read more about Using contract for the environment: Vanessa Monteillet’s PhD dissertation[…]
About ideas that spoil our living: food, climate, progress, ecology
At last a loud and clear message against the nonsense theory of political deep ecology advocating a radical change of social institutions i.e.: de-growth, tyranny, poverty, Malthusianism, catastrophism, hate of humanity, Co2 free economy …. on behalf of global warming, biodiversity and Gaia. The author, Sylvie Brunel has a large experience in world geography and Read more about About ideas that spoil our living: food, climate, progress, ecology[…]
Deep ecology, a new totalitarianism?
Thierry Godefredi , Belgian philosopher and lawyer just published a new book “Ecologisme: un nouveau totalitarisme?” (Textquis Publisher, 175 pp. 9 € – “Deep ecology, a new totalitarianism”) The author’s paramount interrogation is should deep ecology inplies abandoning individual liberty and democracy ? Of course Communism is responsible for mass murder but put the liberation Read more about Deep ecology, a new totalitarianism?[…]
Entrepreneurship for the Environment
This book is the result of ideas exchanged at the tenth international conference organi- zed by ICREI on July 7th and 8th July, 2016 at Aix-en-Provence, in coordination with the Institute for Economic Studies-Europe. It suggests mobilizing entrepreneurs to protect and manage environmental resources, within the framework of law. Economic agents can find relevant and Read more about Entrepreneurship for the Environment[…]
Our last book in the Journal des Libertés
The new French quarterly JOURNAL DES LIBERTES has published in his last issue Winter 2018 a paper dealing with ICREI’s 10th book “Environmental Entrepreneurship” (Libre Echange Publisher, April 2019) . Some 20 papers, In English or French, are all presented with bilingual abstracts and are the product of the 10th international conference held in Aix Read more about Our last book in the Journal des Libertés[…]
Mouly: Property and the Environment
I had the privilege of meeting Professor Christian Mouly a few years before his untimely death at 47 He did us the honour to speak at our first conference of Aix en Provence in June 1996 and its brilliant communication ‘The place of ownership among the human rights’ had moderated a debate including Jean-Yves Cherot, Read more about Mouly: Property and the Environment[…]
Best wishes for 2019
Our association, founded in 1992, has experienced financial difficulties in recent years that have hampered its development and even threatened its existence. Our research for a new leadership, initiated in 2014, is about to succeed: Christian Buson, PhD in agronomy, founder-president of an environmental research and studies bureau, has agreed to assume the presidency of Read more about Best wishes for 2019[…]
Who killed ecology?
The title of this book (Who killed ecology ?) sums up its goal: this is a pamphlet well documented and well written by seasoned journalist that denounces the practices and the objectives of the major “green” associations. Limited to the French situation this analysis probably does fit many nations. Hypocrisy and money too often distort Read more about Who killed ecology?[…]
Response to radical environmentalism
Response to radical environmentalism : “How knowledge makes it possible to refute sustained fears”. Under the direction of Christian Buson. Preface by Claude Allègre. This collective work paves the way for a new vision: the introduction of science in the service of environmental management and the refusal of to take for granted the propaganda of Read more about Response to radical environmentalism[…]
You need to know PERC
If you want to know “All about Free Market Environmentalism” PERC is the best source of information. Several “Founding fathers “came and spoke at our Aix International Conferences: Jane and Richard Stroup, John Baden…, and Terry Anderson whose book “Free Market Environmentalism” sums up theory and practice. “Founded in 1980 by a handful of outdoor-oriented Read more about You need to know PERC[…]
Re-arm common sense
This is a major book, which despite a disappointing presentation due to self-publishing, should know a great success and be translated into English. Written by a scientist it makes available to the non specialist informations necessary for the understanding of the deformation of the most false and dangerous environmental policies for humanity. Less controversial than Read more about Re-arm common sense[…]
A third way between the State and the market: discussions with Elinor Ostrom
Following the trip in France of Elinor Ostrom’strip to France, the authors recorded the eachings of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics, from her direct interaction with the public. This book is a critique of conventional economic theories and a renewal effort of thinking in social sciences. Elinor Ostrom developed through her work and experiences Read more about A third way between the State and the market: discussions with Elinor Ostrom[…]
Ostrom’s Law: Property in the Commons
Elinor Ostrom’s work has immeasurably enhanced legal scholars’understanding of property. Although the richness of these contributions cannotbe distilled into a single thesis, their flavor can be captured in a maxim I call Ostrom’s Law: A resource arrangement that works in practice can work in theory .Ostrom’s scholarship challenges the conventional wisdom by examininghow people interact Read more about Ostrom’s Law: Property in the Commons[…]
Liberty, Markets, and Environmental Values
Mark Pennington is a professor at University of London and worked for many years at the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) which was able to give a theoretical basis to the policy of Margaret Thatcher. This long essay transfers management of environmental proposals of Pennington in urban planning (including Liberating the Land, 2002)… Critical of Read more about Liberty, Markets, and Environmental Values[…]
Paths to property
This booklet (111 pp) published by IEA in 2007 is a wonderful introduction to the key role of property rights for development The authors states that “Sub-Saharan Africa has received tens of billions of dollars in foreign aid over the last fifty years, yet economic development has remained elusive. In many countries absolute poverty has Read more about Paths to property[…]
The underestimated importance of property
Pierre Bessard is Director of the Liberal Institute, a Swiss think tank located in Geneva and Zurich. This text has the merit to replace property rights in their historical, intellectual and moral dimensions. ” Property is the founding principle that protects freedom, the foundation of human value” and allows to reconcile conflicting interests and guarantee Read more about The underestimated importance of property[…]
Environmental Preservation: A Matter of Property
As showed by Andrew Pack, he idea that the world would be stable and that there is an optimum balance has been denounced by l. von Mises Indeed, the concept of the Evenly Rotating Economy assumes that the future will be no different from the past and that it was dealing with an anthill and Read more about Environmental Preservation: A Matter of Property[…]
A major plea for the moral ground and philosophical justification for using private property for the environment: a libertarian perspective
The right to private property is an indisputably valid, absolute principle of ethics, argues Hoppe, and the basis for civilizational advance. Indeed, it is the very foundation of social order itself. To rise from the ruins of socialism and overcome the stagnation of the Western welfare states, nothing will suffice but the uncompromising privatization of Read more about A major plea for the moral ground and philosophical justification for using private property for the environment: a libertarian perspective[…]
How to protect the environment by defining private property rights
The think tank New Direction just published a very interesting report on the links between property rights and the environment. The synthesis of New Direction explains that every day we are told by newscasters, teachers in classrooms and scholars at conferences that our environment is being destroyed by unbridled capitalism and that we need some Read more about How to protect the environment by defining private property rights[…]
Max Falque in Revue Fonciere
This new paper by Max Falque is published by “Revue Foncière” and deals with the role of property rights for managing environmental resources. As a matter of fact it updates and epitomizes several papers and dsicussions with other land use specialists such as Vincent Renard, Joseph Comby, René Hostiou, Harvey Jacobs, Ann Louise Strong.. Onlyt Read more about Max Falque in Revue Fonciere[…]
Competition, Economic Planning, and the Knowledge Problem
Though limited to economies planning Kirzner research deals with free market and as such is of interest for Free Market Environmentalisms. No wonder that this book is published by the Liberty Fund which is dedicated to spread concepts not ideology. The back cover of the book som up the rich content of main Kirzner’s essays Read more about Competition, Economic Planning, and the Knowledge Problem[…]
Earth Day 2018
Is it the «End of Doom » ? If so “Try Conservation optimism”. PERC is the first think tank who successfully advocated Free Market Environmentalism. In April 1970 the First Earth Day stressed the danger of environmental decay but since this famous rallye economic growth and rule of law (polluter pay principle) raised the environmental quality Read more about Earth Day 2018[…]
Professor Ann Louise Strong: intellectual mentor and friend
I first met Ann Louise at the January 1969 Session set up by the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies in Austria. Her outstanding teaching on urban planning and land use control fit my own interest in the failure of the French policy.. We had long conversation in English …but I discovered later that she was Read more about Professor Ann Louise Strong: intellectual mentor and friend[…]
Answering deep ecology how to contradict environmental doom
( Answering deep ecology how to contradict environmental doom ) L’Harmattan, 2016, 315 pp. This new book edited by Christian Buson, a seasoned specialist of agronomy and environment, collects some 21 papers of scientists with a preface of Claude Allègre, former minister and member of the Académie des Sciences This book, akin to Ronald Bailey’s Read more about Answering deep ecology how to contradict environmental doom[…]
Max Falque in an Atlas debate on Natural Gas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXNzCv9kBJw A few years back Max Falque took part in a debate on natural gas hosted by the AtlasNetwork. Watch the video.
Property Rights Are Key to Answering Pope’s Call to Save the Amazon
In 2015 Pope Francis published encyclical Laudato Si and stated that private property rights and markets were not fully compatible with sustanaible development and social justice and advocated more regulations for common good. Whaples and Summers of The Independent Institute explain that this is contrary to the long tradition of the Catholic Church from Aquino Read more about Property Rights Are Key to Answering Pope’s Call to Save the Amazon[…]
Liberty and the Environment
This paper entitled Only liberty entails sustainable development was written in the early 2000s and published in French on the web site of the Québécois Libre, by the time one of the very few French language webzines publicizing the libertarian thought[1]. Henceforth, the cause of liberty has gained interest through various francophone institutes and webzines Read more about Liberty and the Environment[…]
Privatization: Property and the Remaking of Nature-Society Relations
In Privatization, Becky Mansfield et alii argue that contemporary privatization remakes nature-society as property and transforms people’s relationships to themselves, each other, and the natural world. This groundbreaking collection provides the first systematic analysis of neo-liberal privatization. Rich case studies of privatization in the making reveal both the pivotal role that privatization plays in neoliberalism Read more about Privatization: Property and the Remaking of Nature-Society Relations[…]
The new PERC report
We do think that this new PERC Report is worth reading Several excellent papers deal with the perverse effect of environnemental regulations on private land : “ESA turns threatened species into liabilities for for private landowners” and some regulations increase wildfires. Fracking is assessed as environmentally more or less neutral. How Polliination entrepreneurs saved of Read more about The new PERC report[…]
‘Liberalisme’ by Pascal Salin
This major book was published some 18 years ago but I do think it is worth publishing the review I wrote at that time. Of course several of Professor Salin’s propositions are now accepted and implemented in the field of economics. In France “libéralisme” is no longer an insult! However environmental issues are still dealt Read more about ‘Liberalisme’ by Pascal Salin[…]
The Myth of Renewable Energy
This new book by Remy Prudhomme, emeritus Professor of Economics and former deputy director at OECD is a master a piece demonstrating that renewable energies (i.e.solar and wind) are unable to solve electricity shortages as well as environmental problems. It’s a fact: the sun and the wind can be used to produce electricity. But this Read more about The Myth of Renewable Energy[…]
Best wishes for 2018
During the coming year we do hope to get a better media coverage through links with other conservative think tanks which consider that top/down command and control is less and less efficient and more and more costly – not to mention the limitation of liberty it implies. We’ll emphasize the untapped role of property rights Read more about Best wishes for 2018[…]
“Getting to Green, Saving Nature : a bipartisan solution” by Frederic C. Rich
Rich is an important corporate lawyer in New York, involved in nature protection associations: Accordingly it is legitimate that he devotes his skills and his experience looking for a reconciliation between ‘Greens’ (overall on the left) and “conservatives” (often on the right). This remarkable book retraces the steps of efforts for the protection of environmental Read more about “Getting to Green, Saving Nature : a bipartisan solution” by Frederic C. Rich[…]
Capitalism protects nature
The internet-based Ecole de la liberté (“School of Freedom”) publishes a new video of Corentin de Salle (access via a free account). In a seven-minute explanation (in French), the Belgian philosopher returns to the Kuznets environmental curve: Environmental regulation is increasing as prosperity increases. Poor countries are generally not concerned about the environment. They start protecting their natural resources Read more about Capitalism protects nature[…]
Matt Ridley: “War against chemicals is a shame on science”
We encourage you to read this paper which deals with 3 very controversial issues: Reauthorization by EU of glyphosate-Round up; Insect abundance decay in Germany; Media, Green, NGOs and Science swindling and/or corruption. Matt Ridley is one of the world top journalists for environmental scientific issues and author of many famous books among them “The Read more about Matt Ridley: “War against chemicals is a shame on science”[…]
The Climate that which hides the forest: How the climate issue obscures the environmental problems
Guillaume Sainteny’s “The Climate that which hides the forest: How the climate issue obscures the environmental problems” (in French) is a book that challenges the focus on climate. Is the priority given today to the climate by States, NGOs, the media, it justified? Is its place in the environmental policies not excessive? Raising this simple Read more about The Climate that which hides the forest: How the climate issue obscures the environmental problems[…]
Max Falque in the French Rotary Club’s magazine
“Le Rotarien”, the monthly magazine of some 33,000 members of the 1 000 French Rotary clubs has just published (August 2017) an article by Max Falque : “Are Environmental policies against nature?” (Des politiques environnementales contre nature ? in French). The author advocates alternative and/or complementary solutions to countless regulations less and less effective and Read more about Max Falque in the French Rotary Club’s magazine[…]
The Hidden Face of Ecology
I just rediscovered this excellent book by Laurent Larcher in in French, (The Hidden Face of Ecology) which in 2004 had denounced the ‘bright future of contemporary environmentalism” which proposes the end of anthropocentrism, the end of human sovereignty over nature by extending the rights of humans to animals and even trees. Probably a good Read more about The Hidden Face of Ecology[…]
“Environmentalism: the end of illusions”
The reading of this excellent book of Christian Gerondeau, (Le Toucan Publisher , 2012, 300 pp.) is likely to convince those who are hesitant to believe in the reality of climate change and the responsibility for CO2 emissions. But beyond the central problem of global warming C. Gerondeau discusses the role of the public authorities Read more about “Environmentalism: the end of illusions”[…]
Pope Francis and the Economics of the Environment
We already noted that The Independent Institute has devoted its delivery of “The Independent Review, a Journal of Political Economy “( winter 2017, 150 p.) to the review of the new policy of the economy such as proposed by the Encyclical ‘Laudato Si. Among the 7 contributions Philip Booth’s one , Director of the Institute Read more about Pope Francis and the Economics of the Environment[…]
THE LIBERTARIANS in the United States: Sociology of an asocial movement
This book of 309 pp. is the by product of Sebastien Carré’s PhD; dissertation and was published in French in 2010 by the Presses Universitaires de Rennes. If the libertarian movement did not translate in the political field, it gave intellectual weapons to supporters of environmental classical liberalism, including many think tanks which advocate Free Read more about THE LIBERTARIANS in the United States: Sociology of an asocial movement[…]
Environmentalists are increasingly confronted with two emerging ideas about the natural world: that there is no balance of nature, and that nature cannot be easily separated, if at all, from human action. Many are now embracing a new reality—known as the “Anthropocene”—reflecting the magnitude of human influences over the planet. The Anthropocene implies a new Read more about ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY IN THE ANTHROPOCENE[…]
25 Myths that are Destroying the Environment
For decades, environmental scientist and conservationist Daniel B. Botkin has studied the world around us. He has traveled the globe observing nature and the human impact on the environment, and now he has collected his keen observations into this accessible and informative book. 25 Myths that are Destroying the Environment – What many environmentalists believe Read more about 25 Myths that are Destroying the Environment[…]
The Future of the Commons
In 1984 I happened to read 2 papers from E. and V. Ostrom in “Managing the Commons” edited by Baden and Hardin( Freeman 1977) but I first heard of Ostrom’s famous book « Governing the Commons » when meeting with Roger Bates, Julian Morris and Michael De Alessi in June 1999 at the Institute of Economic Studies Read more about The Future of the Commons[…]
“Liberty and the Environment” by Ronald Bailey
Ronald Bailey discusses the compatibility of liberty and environmental conservation though “the orthodox view among ecologists is that human liberty , more specifically economic activity and fee markets, is to blame” not to speak of overpopulation. Facts demonstrate that only affluent countries with rule of law protect and improve their environment though countries with weak Read more about “Liberty and the Environment” by Ronald Bailey[…]
“In defense of our farmers: we must feed the world tomorrow”
The title of this brilliant essay explains its purpose . “How feeding tomorrow the world as humanity continues to increase, it is becoming urban and grows, and to protect the planet? Farmers hold our future in their hands. They occupy two-thirds of the inhabited land and control solutions to meet the challenges of sustainable development: Read more about “In defense of our farmers: we must feed the world tomorrow”[…]
It looks like that the popular support to this “celebration” is constantly decreasing. It happens that I was present at the University of Pennsylvania on the first anniversary, attending Ian McHarg ‘s studio.(Ian was the key speaker at Fairmont Park Rallye on April 20th 1970). One of my fellow student wore the then popular badge Read more about EARTH DAY 2017[…]
An interesting article from EPICENTER on fisheries. The UK is considering a new policy based on Individual Transferable Quotas-ITQ which we advocated at our international conference “Marine Resources: Property Rights, Economics and Environment” (Elsevier, 2002). This could trigger a change of CFP which is a living example of “The Tragedy of the Commons” Max Falque Read more about SEA CHANGE: HOW MARKETS AND PROPERTY RIGHTS CAN ADVANCE THE COMMON FISHERIES POLICY[…]
About two major books by French philosopher Serge Audier
Néo-libéralisme (s) une archéologie intellectuelle ( “Neoliberalism: An intellectual archeology”) is a major input to the history of conservative ideas. Its main purpose is to show how ideas percolated on both sides of the Arlanctic with a small group of intellectuals engaged in the Lippman colloquium nd and later in The Mont Pelerin Society. Among Read more about About two major books by French philosopher Serge Audier[…]
Ecolawgic : The logic of Ecosystems and the Rule of Law, Bruce Pardy
This book is written by Bruce Pardy a young and brilliant professor of Law at Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) [1] and available only on Internet. I suggest you read its 137 pages to discover a new perspective on the respective role of government, markets and ecosystem for environmental conservation. The major question is whether the Read more about Ecolawgic : The logic of Ecosystems and the Rule of Law, Bruce Pardy[…]
The welfare state as an illustration of “The tragedy of the Commons”
Students for Liberty et Atlas Network, two market friendly think tanks, have published a small book “After the welfare state: politicians stole your future…you can get it back” edited by Tom Palmer with some ten contributions. (Jameson Books, , 2012,, 175 pp) In the first paper “The tragedy of the welfare state” Tom Palmer explains Read more about The welfare state as an illustration of “The tragedy of the Commons”[…]
PERC reports: market adaptation to climate change (winter 2016)
Abstract: “No matter what you think about the incoming Trump administration, one thing is certain: The United States is unlikely to pass large-scale carbon mitigation policies anytime soon. What’s more, the Clean Power Plan and the 2015 Paris agreement—two of President Obama’s prized achievements—now face uncertain futures. Whether or not those efforts would have succeeded Read more about PERC reports: market adaptation to climate change (winter 2016)[…]
“Blue Green Summit”, Brussels, Feb. 1
Max Falque will attend this interesting conference : “Conservatives are natural conservationists. On 1 February, in Brussels, ACRE will be organising a one day seminar looking at how we can best improve our environment using market mechanisms; the innovation that comes from capitalism, and the natural sense of trusteeship that is part of Burkean conservatism.” Read more about “Blue Green Summit”, Brussels, Feb. 1[…]
The Essential Hayek
A new small book (85 pp.)“The Essential Hayek “ by Donald J. Boudreaux has been published in 2014 by the Fraser Institute “Nobel laureate economist Friedrich Hayek (1899 – 1992) is one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century and his work still resonates with economists and scholars around the world today. Two decades Read more about The Essential Hayek[…]
By the people : rebuilding liberty without permission
« By the people : rebuilding liberty without permission » par Charles Murray, Crown Forum,2015, 319 p. Murray is anathema for American liberals since he is openly libertarian. No wonder none of his books has been translated and published in France. Here is the abstract of his book “American freedom is being gutted. Whether we are trying Read more about By the people : rebuilding liberty without permission[…]
Laudato Si: An American economists’ perspective
This outstanding symposium on Laudato Si in the Independent Review’s last issue is a response to Pope Francis ‘s call for dialogue but demonstrates that the content of the Encyclical is at odd with classical liberal economists who advance that propoerty rights and markets are the main drivers for prosperity and environmental protection. In addition, Read more about Laudato Si: An American economists’ perspective[…]
Markets and the environment: friends or foes?
Sciences Po, the French elite school is traditionally leftist. However a student association, Think Libéral Sciences Po, is interested in free market and liberty. They asked Max Falque to speak on free market environmentalism on Octpber 11th with 2 other dissenting speakers. Some 60 students attended the 2 hour discussion on quite new concepts, especially Read more about Markets and the environment: friends or foes?[…]
Happy Holiday Season
The coming year is an opportunity to change the present environmtal policy based on top down command and control: As a matter of fact, numerous regulations turn out to be less and less efficient and costly – not to mention the limitation of liberty they imply. We’ll emphasize the untapped role of property rights and Read more about Happy Holiday Season[…]
Apocalypse is not for tomorrow!
In this excellent book Bruno Tertrais advocates the fact that contrary to politically correctness the environmental conditions are improving worldwide. This is a precious and rare publication in France where politicians and media alike are addict to environmental doom and refer to Carson, Ehrlich, and Gore not to mention Malthus. As a matter of fact Read more about Apocalypse is not for tomorrow![…]
Ecologically incorrect papers
The second volume of Max Falque’s “Propos écologiquement incorrects” (“Ecologically incorrect papers”) has just been published by Libréchange Publisher (268 pp.) with a preface by Brice Lalonde, former French Minister of the Environment.
Nature Unbound: bureaucracy vs the Environment
The Independent Institute has just published “Nature Unbound: bureaucracy vs the Environment”, 287 pp. “In 1934, former U.S. Forest Service official Aldo Leopold, a godfather to the modern environmental movement, wrote that “restrictive laws” had “largely failed” in their mission to conserve America’s forests, rivers, and other natural resources. Less than forty years later, however, Read more about Nature Unbound: bureaucracy vs the Environment[…]
Yes ! France is a paradise for entrepreneurs
Yes ! France is a paradise for entrepreneurs, Plon actualité, 276 p. 2016 This book, written by Fabrice Cavaretta, professor at ESSEC Business School demonstrates that entrepreneurship is a long French tradition. Of course central government and bureaucrats are too often obstacles but also offer opportunities. The author presents many success stories from which he proposes Read more about Yes ! France is a paradise for entrepreneurs […]
A new book by Max Falque
Max Falque has just published a new book which is clearly non conformist. As a matter of fact it is a collection of ten major papers he published between 1973 and 2005. Based on publications by luminaries such as Tocqueville, Bastiat, Hardin, Ostrom, Coase , Baden, Lepage, Anderson, Yandle, Epstein …Max Falque advocates using property Read more about A new book by Max Falque[…]
A new approach to environmental entrepreneurship
“Quantified, redefining conservation for the next economy” by Joe Whitworth, Island Press, 2015, 230 pp. Google, Apple, Amazon, Uber: companies like these have come to embody innovation, efficiency, and success. How often is the environmental movement characterized in the same terms? Sadly, conservation is frequently seen as a losing battle, waged by well-meaning, but ultimately Read more about A new approach to environmental entrepreneurship[…]
A new book on FME
A new book from a noted Australian Free Market Environmentalist: “Protecting the Environment, Privately” Edited by: Jeffrey Bennett, World Scientific, 380 p. Most volumes in the environmental economics literature consider the environment to be a public good and hence write out a role for the private sector in a source of supply. Yet there is Read more about A new book on FME[…]
The End of Doom
A great new book ” The end of doom, Environmental renewal in the 21st century” by Ronald Bailey, St Martin Press, 2015, 342 pp. I met Ron in the 90’s at a dinner in Washington DC with CEI’staff, probably RJ Smith and Fred Smith . We discussed the possibility of shooting a video illustrating his recent book Read more about The End of Doom[…]
Our next conference in 2016
Our next international conference internationale, the tenth edition since its inception in 1996, will be held on 7 and 8th July 2016 in Aix-en-Provence, France. It will address the crucial topic of environmental entrepreneurship. Here is the content as of March 30th, 2016.
PERC Reports Summer 2015
This 39 pages issue of PERC reports deals with the 100-year anniversary of the National Parks Service, an agency responsible for managing some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world but with a massive $11.5 billion maintenance backlog that Congress is unlikely to solve To address these issues, PERC held a three-day workshop to explore the Read more about PERC Reports Summer 2015[…]
Magna Carta and The Human Birthright to Liberty
We are grateful to Tom Palmer (Atlas Foundation) for his tribute to this great monument of human history which is celebrated in English speaking countries but which inspired the 1789 French “Declaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyens”. By the way we advised you to watch Daniel Hannan’s excellent video on ICREI October 18th Read more about Magna Carta and The Human Birthright to Liberty[…]
The rational optimist
“The rational optimist, how prosperity evolves” by Matt Ridley, 2010 Harper Perennial, 448 p. is a great book largely circulated worldwide by a famous author who was a scientific journalist for “The Economist”. The document attached sums up the main ideas. Among them the fact that the media, like human mind, is interested in pessimism – which Read more about The rational optimist[…]
Free Market Environmentalism 3.0
“Free Market Environmentalism for the next generation”, Terry Anderson and Donald Leal, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 197 p. I do think that Reed Watson’s (new executive director at PERC) review is best fitted for the English speaking community: “When Terry Anderson and Don Leal wrote the first edition of Free Market Environmentalism in 1991, the idea Read more about Free Market Environmentalism 3.0[…]
Hayek, Coase and the environment
“If Hayek and Coase were Environmentalists: linking economics and ecology” (Terry Anderson, Hoover Institution, February 2015, 32 pp.) This essay argues that the focus of ecology and economics on equilibria and externalities misses the dynamic connection between humans and nature and that there is a better alternative for linking ecology with economics, one that builds Read more about Hayek, Coase and the environment[…]
Tenth ICREI International Conference
We are happy to post the annoucement of our next conference….but we decided to postpone it in 2016. As a matter of fact it appears that in 2015 the World International Conference on Climate Change to be held in Paris next December preempts financial and intellectual participations . Anyway we’ll keep you posted and we plan Read more about Tenth ICREI International Conference[…]
Best Wishes
Best wishes for the Holiday Season from ICREI.
Implementing property rights for development but also for environmental conservation: a top-down approach
A new paper published by Cato Institute’s Policy Analysis open new perspectives for defining and securing property rights in the developping world as adocated by Hernado De Soto. Because property rights, secure tenure, and access to low-cost secured credit is crucial for self-sustained, long-term economic development, it seems sensible that billions of aid dollars have been spent over the last decade trying Read more about Implementing property rights for development but also for environmental conservation: a top-down approach[…]
Thanksgiving… thanks to property rights
Sharing a Thankgiving dinner in an American family helps to understand America. The survival of the small Pilgrims’ colony is linked to the implementation of property rights as a substitute to communal property and the associated “Tragedy of the Commons”. These two papers by David Bollier and Benjamin Powell explain how this event inspired John Locke and the American Read more about Thanksgiving… thanks to property rights[…]
ICREI’s accomplishments
– This new document sums up our think tank’s accomplishments since 1992 i.e.: – our goals, board and scientific committee, – the names of all contibutors to our International Conferences and participating institutions, – The cover of each of our books.
Good News: revival of “Etudes Foncières” magazine
Under the new title “La Revue Foncière“, this excellent bi-monthly is again available. Independent from governments, it publishes excellent papers in the field of land policy, real estate at the French and EU context. The first issue is quite interesting… but one can hope that abstracts be published in English.
Environmental markets: a property rights approach
In a new book – “Environmental Markets” – Terry L. Anderson and Gary D. Libecap explain the prospects of using markets to improve environmental quality and resource conservation. No other book focuses so well on a property rights approach using environmental markets to solve environmental problems. Anderson and Libecap apply this approach to land, water, Read more about Environmental markets: a property rights approach[…]
Environmental Entrepreneurship
A new book from Laura Huggins (PERC) dealing with the new concept of Environmental Entrepreneurship for developing countries in order to escape both poverty and nature destruction. A beautiful mix of theory and case studies.
Ecology, yes, Greens, no
A useful booklet with some 20 contributions, published by the French Taxpayers’ Association ” Ecology, yes, Greens, no” which should be widely circulated in quasi socialist France where political parties of all stripes are more or less under influence of Greenies. For instantce the “Precautionary Principle ” has been introduced in the French Constiution by the so called Conservative !
For a responsible energy transition
This new book (in French) deals with future energy policy debated at the European and national levels. Explaining what is at stake it contributes to workable solutions. Jean-Pierre Hauet, a top French and international consultant, came and spoke at our 7th International Conference “Property Rights, Economics and Environment: Climate Change and Air Pollution” (2008). His contribution was quite stimulating and Read more about For a responsible energy transition[…]
Mont Ventoux under bureaucratic threat
This highest mountain of Provence, worldwide famous for the Tour de France, has been reforested by the French government since the 1850s. Now, under the leadership of the E.U., and national and local French bureaucracies, the National Forest Service is in charge of burning schrub vegetation creeping up on the stony summit in order to protect the Read more about Mont Ventoux under bureaucratic threat[…]
PERC Report Summer 2014
The Property and Environment Research Center, the most important worldwide Think Tank dealing with Free Market Environment has just published its new quaterly issue (33th year) the title of which stresses the importance of undersea law and entrepreneurship akin to our research on marine cadastre.
They lost their mind
“ILS ONT PERDU LA RAISON” (“They lost their mind”) This book (225 pp.) the full title of which is “They are mad, why do governments take the wrong decisions” is authored by Jean de Kervasdoué a former adviser to the French Socialist party. He observes that now green politics is no longer based on science Read more about They lost their mind[…]
Economic Freedom and Air Quality
The Fraser Institute, a major Canadian think tank located in Vancouver has just released an important report (40 p.) stressing that “Economic freedom is one of the main drivers of economic prosperity… Economic institutions that contribute to economic freedom may actually lead to a cleaner environment at the same time” as illustrated by the Environmental Kuzntz Curve Read more about Economic Freedom and Air Quality[…]
“The World’s Resources aren’t running out”
In the WSJ (April 24th) Matt Ridley demonstrates and confirms that resource depletion does not stand the test of history and facts. Since Malthus thousands of papers and books explain that we are on the verge of overexploitation, for instance the Club of Rome’s 1970 famous “Limits to growth” Viscount Matt Ridley, hereditary peer at the Chamber Read more about “The World’s Resources aren’t running out”[…]
Two new books published by ICREI
“Property rights, Economics and Environment: Agriculture and Forestry“, M. Falque and H. Lamotte, editors This book is the 9th one dealing with the proceedings of the biannual International Conferences held in Aix en Provence since 1996. The second is “L’eau entre réglementation et marché” (in French, Water, between regulation and markets), Max Falque, editor, in collaboration Read more about Two new books published by ICREI[…]
Earth Day … 34th anniversary
Since nobody seems to care…I take the opportunity to tell an anecdote. April 22nd 1971 I was attending Ian McHarg’s studio at the University of Pennsylvania. Unexpectedly soft drinks, coffee and cookies were offered. I asked a fellow student why such a bounty ; he explained me that we were celebrating the first anniversary of Read more about Earth Day … 34th anniversary[…]
“Divergent Mineral Rights Regimes: a natural experiments in Canada and the US yields lessons”
The Fraser Institute (Canada) has just published a major report dealing with the different evolution of the interpretation of the Common Law. After reviewing the literature, they found two key differences between the two mineral rights systems. The first is that in Canada, minerals arereserved by the provinces, while in the US minerals are either associatedwith surface Read more about “Divergent Mineral Rights Regimes: a natural experiments in Canada and the US yields lessons”[…]
“After 10 years of criticism: what is left of De Soto’s ideas” by Paul van der Molen
I guess that this abstract will encourage those who read the “Mystery of Capital“, the best seller of Hernando de Soto published in 2000 should read this article by Paul van der Molen. “In this book De Soto advocates that politicians take measures to provide the informal sector with access to the formal economy by the granting formal property Read more about “After 10 years of criticism: what is left of De Soto’s ideas” by Paul van der Molen[…]
“The Growing Benefits of a Warmer World”
Sterling Burnett questions the positive impact of potential climate change on economic growth, agriculture and health. This position conforts Leroy-Ladurie French historian which links afflent society with warm periods. If this is acknowledged combatting global warming at all costs could be futile and counter productive.
“Shale gas : three cheers for fracking”
Do read Gary Libecap’s paper from PERC who explains why Americans approve fracking: self-sufficiency, economic growth and less GHG emissions. Contrary to many countries such as France sub surfaced minerals are the private property of landowners who take advantage of exploitation.
Managing US Federal Lands and National Parks in the context of decreasing budgets
John Baden and Randall O’Toole observes that governements are broke and broken and that accordingly one must imagine new institutions to prevent the environmetal decay of a third of the American territory. They do think that fiduciary trusts build upon over 400 years of experience could help. The National Trust of England and Wales looks like a kind Read more about Managing US Federal Lands and National Parks in the context of decreasing budgets[…]
“New management is needed for the planet’s most important common resource”
The Economist’s paper refers to Hardin’s “Tragedy of the Commons” to explain that beyond the 200 mile EEZ the oceans are the largest common of the planet and that in fact nobody cares. Fishing subsidies and inefficient international bodies and treaties are responsible “Humanitity has harmed the high seas, but it can reverse that damage. Unless Read more about “New management is needed for the planet’s most important common resource”[…]
Green Philosophy: How to Think Seriously About the Planet
“Green Philosophy: How to Think Seriously About the Planet” by Roger Scruton (Atlantic Books. January 2012, 457 pp.) is s a major book which demonsrates that Conservatism is far better suited to tackle environmental than any kind of socialism. and big government advocated by Greenies ; Sarah Lester‘s paper published in the London School of Read more about Green Philosophy: How to Think Seriously About the Planet[…]
Water between regulation and market
“L’eau entre règlementation et marché”, Max Falque, editor “Water between regulation and market” deals with a global key issue and 16 contibutors discuss the ooportunity of new tools. Several papers have been translated from English into French but originals are available upon request. This book is the outcome of a collaboration between the French Water Agency and Read more about Water between regulation and market[…]
Floodings in France: Climate change or… unwise policies?
The catastrophic floodings in the South of France have been again “explained” by climate change. In fact, they have more to do with unwise policies. read pp. 14-15 this enlightening article by Max Falque.
Harmonizing Liberty, Ecology and Prosperity in 2014
John Baden is one of the pionner of Free Market Environmentalism in the US and played a major role in the foundation of ICREI. He recalls our first meeting in Aix en Provence in 1985. As others top leaders such as Richard Stroup, Terry Anderson, Fred Smith, RJ Smith…. he mixes intellectual research with spreading Read more about Harmonizing Liberty, Ecology and Prosperity in 2014[…]
A tale of two rushes
Do read The Economist’ excellent paper comparing the 19th Century gold rush to the present shale gas boom. The economic and social impact are about the same and local farmers are cooperating since they get large chuncks of the bonanza. Anyway it looks like that America in on the verge of becoming the largest gas producer, creating Read more about A tale of two rushes[…]
Max Falque on freemarket environmentalism
Max Falque was on the French radio Radio Courtoisie to defend freemarket environmentalism.
Property rights and the environment in the european context
In a collective work, Barbara Pozzo presents an analysis of the multiple relationships and links that exist between the right of property and the right to a safe environment.