In an op-ed for Le Figaro, Christian Stoffaës, President Emeritus of ICREI, pities the growing aversion to risk in the last few decades :
The last episode in the management of the epidemic crisis will have revealed an open divergence between the medical community and the executive branch. After two weeks of hesitation and pressure on the head of state, where the discourse of fear has again mobilized the media, there will be (for the moment) no generalized reconfinement. Above all, we have finally understood, as a result of this now openly assumed divergence, that the right choice is the result of an arbitration between two worlds, where we do not speak the same language.
Christian Stoffaës, « Ligoté par les experts, le discours moral et le droit, l’art de gouverner est en péril », Le Figaro, 11 février 2021.