The below text is a translated extract of a book review by Francis Richard, originally published in French in Contrepoints.
The latest book by Jean de Kervasdoué and Henri Voron “Les écolos nous mentent”, reviews the strategy of the ecologists to convince us with false ideas.
Several publishers have refused to consider the publication of this book, considering that criticizing the dominant ecological bien-pensance, even if unfounded, was unthinkable.
Censorship is indeed spreading. Unfortunately, this is not the prerogative of the public sector, as some people think or say, because the private sector is also very good at condemning opinions that it does not like.
The public sector mostly practices censorship to prevent challenges to its power. The private sector does so when it serves an ideology rather than its clients, and pays for it sooner or later.
By “ecologists”, Jean de Kervasdoué means political ecologists and not ecology, which is a science. If they lie, it is because their arguments are not scientific but ideological. The author gives many examples of these lies, which, by dint of being repeated by activists, or by media that are not very curious, end up being taken as true by those who ignore the facts.
Armed with the weapon of reason, Jean de Kervasdoué dismantles these lies. He does so not for the pleasure of confounding liars, but because obscurantism always has terrible consequences.
Jean de Kervasdoué, Henri Voron, Les Écolos nous mentent !, Albin Michel, 2021.
Read full review (in French) in Contrepoints, « Les écolos nous mentent, de Jean de Kervasdoué », 7 March 2021.