In the scientific magazine Recursos Rurais [1], Christian Buson publishes a critical analysis [2] of the ”official” study [3] on the fate of the wolf in France. In a meticulous study of the report, he points out the serious methodological flaws:
• orders from the ministers and secretaries of state, which give their expectations and the main orientations ;
• insufficient knowledge ;
• biases in the conduct of the expertise;
• insufficient consideration of the damage caused by wolves to human and economic activities;
• an expertise that does not meet expectations.
His conclusion is unambiguous:
It is impossible to use this biased and questionable expertise to define a fair policy adapted to the real problems posed on the ground.
[1] Recursos Rurais is an annual international magazine published by the Institute of Agricultural Biodiversity and Rural Development (IBADER) of the University of Santiago de Compostela. [2] Christian Buson, « Première analyse critique de l’expertise scientifique collective sur le devenir de la population de loups en France », Recursos Rurais, no 16, 2020. [3] ONCFS – MNHN, « Expertise collective scientifique sur la viabilité et le devenir de la population de loups en France à long terme », 2017.